Particle residence time

I would like to know more about this particle residence time which can be exported in DEM simulations in MFix. I ran a simulation and tried to read the vtk files in Mfix and in paraview as well. The velocity of particles is shown by the particles changing their color according to velocity. Should I expect a similar thing with residence time?
I do not see any change in the residence times at all. In fact those values are increasing with time and are equal to the physical time in magnitude up to 2 decimal places.

Pls see images attached.

How do I plot this data? Is it to be plotted over a surface instead where the particles move over it?

Would appreciate some help from the MFix team. Thank you.

Plotting the residence may be useful when you have an inlet where particles are injected and an outlet where particles leave the system. The residence time will tell you how long particles stay in the system. If you don’t have any inlet, then the residence time will be the same as the physical time and it doesn’t bring anything new to analyze.

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Thank you for your input.
Another question I have. If I import an stl surface and then give residence time option on that surface…is it possible? Or does it always have to be a volume?

The residence time is recorded for particles that are in a given region, not for geometrical elements. Define a volume region where you know there will be particles in.

Thank you for your guidance