Particles are on one side of the bed

I set the initial condition as you can see in the picture.

I suppose that solids should be in the green box region but after running, particles are only on one side.

I can’t understand why this happens. Did I do something wrong or is it just because of the short simulation time? Please help. Thanks.

Hi @JunsungYeo , welcome to the MFiX forum. Please upload your project files if you want us to take a look at your issue.

The seeding occurs in a preferential direction (negative y-direction) which is typically aligned with gravity. This is done because many applications want to start with a fairly packed bed at the bottom of the unit. You can change this behavior by checking the “Show DEM seeding options” and increase the spacing factor in the y-direction.

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I’ll try this later. After few simulation seconds, the particles seems to be spreading naturally. I should wait for this result.
Thanks again!