Particles escaping the domain

Hello all,

I have been dealing with this problem for a couple of days and it is not solved yet. I’m setting the B.C as no slip walls and yet the particle escape the domain completely as shown in this photo:

I have checked a similar topic but It seems the problem wasn’t solved. A detail that may be important is that before I added the 2 walls (in blue circle), the particles weren’t escaping.

Here is the archive of the project: (363.7 KB)

Thanks in advance,

Hi Mariam. Particles leaving the domain is a frequent issue. Search the forum for “escaping” or “otuside domain”.

These posts may help:

Hope this helps,

– Charles

This is a bug, thanks for reporting. Looks like an issue in 2D only. While we are investigating, please setup a 3D case with one cell in the z-direction. This setup worked for me.

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