Pending registration

I am a graduate student in the U.S. and have a class that needs MFIX. Last Friday (Jan. 26) I submitted my registration for MFIX on this link: Register - NETL Multiphase Flow Science. I received a confirmation email immediately. But I haven’t got any response since then. I sent an email to check my registration status this Tuesday (Jan. 30), but no one replied.
Did anyone have similar experience? Is there any other way to reach out to MFIX team about my registration?
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

I’m curious, what class uses MFIX?

It’s particulate process modelling.

I mean what class specifically

Sorry for the delay, your registration has been approved.

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That is the name of the class. We are going to use MFIX to model the grinding of ball mills in the mining industry.

Thank you so much, Jeff! You saved me.

What university is it?