Pressure Monitor evaluation problem


I had the mean values for the pressure in various cells written out during the simulation. I also evaluated the pressure in Python. In the 1st cell, the values agree with each other when I compare the mean value of the pressure from the Mfix monitor in the 1st cell with the value from Python at a slice of the value y(min,cell1). For higher cells with the same evaluation method, the values from the monitors no longer match those from Python. Partially (e.g. in the 3rd cell) the values of the Mfix monitors are different to different y-values within the same cell.
Does anyone have an explanation for this?
An Excel list comparing the values as well as my Python and Mfix files are attached. (456.9 KB)

Hi - I’m not completly sure, but I think you may be seeing the effect of the “staggered grid” - see this post How to have access to all cell data? - #7 by cgw

If that’s not it please follow up here and we’ll investigate further.

– Charles

I am not able to run the attached case. Do you use an stl file for the geometry? If so please attach it.