Pressure outflow boundary condition in TFM


I am running a TFM simulation for the attached case. I set the mass inflow boundary condition for the inlet region and the pressure outflow for the outlet region.

However, when I run the simulation, the gas velocity value at the outlet similar to the inlet.

Please, can you advice me about this point? (36.0 KB)

Please attach a plot or some data to show what you observe and describe what you expect. I see some backflow in the outlet top half.

Yes, exactly.

The parameters for this problem are the same as fluid bed 2D TFM fluid bed case but in the horizontal direction.

Backflow is not expected in this case.

Is this image also from your own simulations, or from something you expect? As there is a hydrostatic pressure on the outlet as the geometry now is turned, backflow might perhaps happen as there is not a uniform pressure here. Could perhaps be solved by altering your domain so that it exits either upwards or downwards. Or did you find another solution?