Problem in convergence and calculation time

Hello, I am attempting to simulate a 2D reactor with fixed particles where the reaction involves the reduction of Fe2O3 with H2. I am encountering issues with simulation time, even though I am using a cluster for calculations. Whether I introduce the reaction rate as a constant or a function of different parameters, the calculations often take many days and sometimes do not converge.

I have attached all the necessary files for my project.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

usr_rates_des.f (12.2 KB)
usr_drag.f (3.1 KB)
usr1_des.f (1.7 KB)
Project-mfix22.3.1.mfx (12.1 KB)

Hi @mouna.hello
I took a look at your case, here are a few comments

  1. You said you are running on a cluster, but the run settings are only using a single node. For a DMP run, you need to specify the number of nodes to run on and currently it is set to 1:

  2. Running your case here (with MFiX 23.4.1) on my laptop with a single core, the progress is not bad - I simulated 100 seconds in about 140 seconds of real time, and DT seems to be reasonable:

So I cannot reproduce the problem you report. Did the divergence happen later in the run? I see that you have tstop set to 3000 - I did not let the case run that long.

It would be helpful to see your log files, etc. If you are still having trouble, please submit a full bug report (Main menu->Submit bug report). Thanks.

Hi @cgw , thanks for your reply.
I am building the MFIX solver on the cluster using DMP with 4 nodes. In my project, I am simulating the first 1000 seconds without chemical reactions. After these initial 1000 seconds, I initiate the chemical reaction phase. During the initial 1000 seconds, the simulation proceeds normally, but afterward, it either stops or takes many days to complete.

I am unsure about the issue, but when I introduce a very small reaction rate (10^-9 kmol/s), the simulation works. However, I need a higher reaction rate (10^-5 kmol/s).

Aha, I see

  IF ( time > 1000) THEN

in your usr_rates_des.f. If I remove that line (and the matching ENDIF), does that reproduce the problem you are seeing?

I changed the 1000 to 10 and I see the sudden drop in DT when sim. time reaches 10s.

Yes, even if I remove this condition and start the reaction from the beginning, DT will remain zero with no convergence. I have launched simulations with a small rate of reaction, and it works, but I should increase the rate of reaction because I am trying to implement results from recent experiments, and a very small rate of reaction is not realistic and won’t help me in my project.

1.0E-5 kmol/s is not small for DEM. My suggestion is to do a quick hand calculation with that reaction rate value and see how much gas is released per second. This may be quite a lot.

I defined a monitor for Max of reaction rate 1 over the domain:

And this is what I see:

That is indeed a very high reaction rate (~0.002 and climbing) - several orders of magnitude higher than 10^-5

As Jeff says, the reaction rate is much too high!

Also you should remove this line:

            DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)= DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)+2*DES_RATES(Reaction_1)

MFiX will update the solids mass fractions based on the reaction rates.

Hope this helps,
– Charles

(Grab a refreshment, this is going to be a long one)

Looking more closely at your usr_rates_des.f we found a few more problems. Here’s the key section, with lines numbered for reference (this is actually at line 129 in your file)

1  IF ( time > 1000) THEN
2      IF(((DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)*MW_S(NP,Fe2O3_S_SolidA))/MW_S(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)) < 1.0d0) THEN
3          DES_RATES(Reaction_1) = 0.01*(2.5d-3 * exp(-3.2475d3/DES_T_s(NP)) * (1.0d0-((DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)*MW_S(NP,Fe2O3_S_SolidA))/MW_S(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)))**(-2.0d0/3.0d0))
4          DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)= DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)+2*DES_RATES(Reaction_1)
5      ENDIF
6  ENDIF       
  1. Previously mentioned - it is not the job of this function to update mass fractions (DES_X_S) so the line (4) should be removed.

  2. MW_S(NP,Fe2O3_S_SolidA) is an improper array access. The array MW_S contains the molecular weight for each species, and the array indices are (phase, species) You can see this in the help text for the keyword:
    or the keyword reference section of the MFiX user manual

NP is a particle index, and pM is a phase index. This function is called for each particle in each phase. In your case, there is only 1 phase, and 500 particles. So NP will range from 1 to 500. MW_S(NP,Fe2O3_S_SolidA) will grab some random number out of the computer’s memory, whenever NP is greater than one (99.8% of the time). In a better world, the compiler or Fortran runtime would have caught this out-of-bounds array access… but alas, it does not (perhaps a future MFiX version will have an enhanced DEBUG build which catches stuff like this, but for now it doesn’t).



must be changed to


But this implicitly assumes that pM is always 1 (since you only have one phase defined). That’s OK but if you add a second phase, this code will break. So perhaps there should be a line

if (pM != 1)  return

before anything else … this will future-proof you against adding additional phases. If you are sure will never have a second solids phase, this is optional.

Note that (can be found in the build subdir) contains aliases for the species, but not the named phases:

      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Fe2O3_S_SolidA = 1
      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Fe3O4_S_SolidA = 2
      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Reaction_1 = 1

since you have named your single solid phase Solid you might expect an alias for that, but for various reasons these are not generated (for one thing, there might be name collisions). So you have to use 1 for the phase index, rather than the name Solid.

So instead of writing


I would probably add a check for pM=1 and after that just write


But note that the expression:


appears several times in your code. So I would suggest:

     MW_RATIO = MW_S(1,Fe2O3_S_SolidA)/MW_S(1,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)
  1. Note the assignment
! Alias particle temperature.
     Tp = DES_T_s(NP)

This means that inside the expression, you can write Tp instead of DES_T_s(NP) which helps make the code more readable.

We can also do this for DES_X_s:

! Alias mass fraction
     Xs = DES_X_S(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)
  1. Break up excessively long lines.

  2. Combine multiplicative constants and remove spurious parenthesis

This brings us from

IF( ((DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)*MW_S(NP,Fe2O3_S_SolidA))/MW_S(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)) < 1.0d0) THEN
    DES_RATES(Reaction_1) = 0.01*(2.5d-3 * exp(-3.2475d3/DES_T_s(NP)) * (1.0d0-((DES_X_s(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)*MW_S(NP,Fe2O3_S_SolidA))/MW_S(NP,Fe3O4_S_SolidA)))**(-2.0d0/3.0d0))


IF (Xs*MW_RATIO < 1.0d0) THEN
     DES_RATES(Reaction_1) = 2.5d-5 * &
         exp(-3.2475d3/Tp) * &

which is quite a bit easier for me to read and understand.

  1. But what if the IF condition is not met? Should we set DES_RATES to 0 in that case?

  2. There’s a fair bit of commented-out “junk” code in your usr_rates_des.f and much of it is potentially misleading (e.g. comments about CGS units). Strip out all that stuff about Psat_H2O, CaCO3, etc. There are a large number of USE statements you don’t need. Don’t be afraid to delete code. And indent consistently. It’s just a lot easier to look at the code when it’s tidy. Here’s a somewhat cleaned-up copy of the file:

usr_rates_des.f (972 Bytes)

  1. After doing the above, there is still a slowdown at 10s when the reactions switch on. But it is not as severe. I suspect that the reaction rates are still too high:

Hope this helps,

– Charles

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Thank you very much for your help! It has been very helpful to me.