Problem proving grid independence

Dear developers,

I am trying to verify the grid independence with my case but something wired happened, the coarse and medium mesh can run smoothly but the fine one shows an error after about 2.79s of simulation time, all the settings are the same for these three cases. I have attached the file for the fine mesh, could you please kindly take a look? Thanks~ (323.4 KB)

So perhaps it is timestep related? That’s one obvious thing that would be affected by smaller mesh cells (meaning - keeping a timestep unchanged while mesh resolution increases, would make fluid travel more cells, which is demanding stuff.)

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I am not able to reproduce. Is this repeatable if you do a restart?

yes I tried two times and got the same result

What is the exact error message you get?

Just as an observation, you have changed a lot of default settings.
Your chosen start timestep is quite large, and you also use Superbee numerics, neither of which makes it “easier” for a simulation to start. Usually it can be a good thing to use a simpler working setup, and gradually move away from this as you test it and make your case more exotic. This way it will be easier to troubleshoot.

Your initial solids packing is also not too far from the actual packing limit. I’ve had problems with this before when it’s too close. However, I would expect the error to happen earlier if it was really related to this.

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Hello~ the error message I got was Dt<Dtmin, recovery not possible. Yes I guess I had changed a lot but these settings work well for simulation with fewer meshes(for example half of this one). Thank you for your suggestions, I would give it a try. Have a nice day:)