Q: Is that mfix can run the simulation which only contains the pure granular flow and with the Energy Equations on?

Is that mfix can run the simulation which only contains the pure granular flow and with the Energy Equations on?
I mean that the simulation only have heat transfer between the particles and the wall(without fluid). Whether it can be done with mfix?

Yes, this is possible. Please see the example in legacy_tutorials/DEM_Wall_HT .

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i found that the file format is .dat, what should I do to open the file with mfix?

MFiX will open a file called mfix.dat or anything with .mfx extension. mfix.dat was the name for the file in older MFiX releases and is still allowed for compatibility. You can rename the file if you like.

You can create a new directory, place the file in there, then use the ‘Open project’ menu in the MFiX GUI to navigate to it.

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