Q:why the particles' temperature don't rise?

Hello friends,
I have problem that the particles’ temperature don’t rise when i use mfix-dem(pure granular flow) to run a simulation with Enable energy equations on.
the geometry is below,

And ,i hope the cantboard’s temperature be 1200K, while the other walls stay the No-flux type.
so ,the particles should have a teperature rise when falling down from the board.----but it seems don’t work.
Is it the BC i set up wrong?

1.mfx (14.5 KB)
geometry.stl (11.1 MB)

Your Heater region overlaps the wall region, so you have a conflict in the BC. You need to separate the regions so the STL files don’t overlap. I would slice the wall region twice to get a wall region upstream of the heater and another wall region downstream of the heater.

thinks a lot!!
Another question 1: Can Mfix take the geometry wall as the no-slip-wall automatically**(I mean as default)**, without set up manually???—if possible, we can only consider the BCs which we want.?
Another question 2: What is the different of the selection method-----Full/partial/slice???


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I don’t fully understand your question 1. All boundaries must have a defined type. In mfix/model/init_namelist.f you will find


I suppose you could try changing this to BC_TYPE(LC) = 'NSW' and see what happens.

Regarding question 2; the answer to this is displayed in the ‘tooltip’ which appears when you hover the mouse over the relevant control.

Perhaps we should add this text to the user documentation.

– Chares