Question regarding the boundary condition for zigzag channel

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Hello! I have attached the case file for my case so please enlighten me :slight_smile: (274.0 KB)

Whenever I try to create a mesh with boundary conditions (mass inflow and pressure outflow) it produces an error. The error I get is the following:

Error 1100: Cannot locate flow plane for boundary condition 2.
J South = 11 J North = 11
I West = 5 K Bottom = 2
The following should contain a wall cell and fluid cell:
IJK 1499 :: .01
IJPK 1500 :: .01
Maybe no IC was specified for the fluid cell, or no BC was specified for the wall cell.

However, it does not produce this error whenever it is not specified with specific boundary conditions (mass inflow and pressure outflow), so when it’s “none” then it works fine.

Could you give me advice about how this is working? I don’t understand the principle and I HAVE READ OTHER POSTS TOO BUT I STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Is there a way to circumvent this error with my imported stl file? I read the //SMS meshing workflow, cyclone, Discrete Element Model (DEM)// case too but I do not see the difference between the presented case and my case. PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME

You have fluid cells on both sides of the BC planes, which is not allowed. Just set ymin=-0.11m and ymax=0.05m, and put your MI and PO BCs along those planes.

omg this is such an important tip thank you so much!