Set gas density in usr-properties.f

I want to give each fluid a different density. So I wrote the code in usr-properity.f , but it has the following two errors, can you teach me how to fix it? Thank you very much.


usr_properties.f (37.9 KB)

The fluid density RO_G is a field variable and can be accessed from the fldvar module, as it is setup in the original file:

use fldvar, only: ro_g

Here you need to remove it from the use physprop line

I am sorry to bother you again. I remove it from the use physprop line , add it to fldvar line and add some code of viscosity. But I still have these two error. Can you help me again to classified them.


usr_properties.f (40.6 KB)

You forgot the plus sign (+) where you have a line continuation:

Mu_g(IJK) = mu_N2 * Y_N2 + mu_CO2* Y_CO2 + mu_CH4 * Y_CH4 + mu_C3H8 * Y_C3H8 &
                  + mu_H2 * Y_H2 + mu_CO * Y_CO + mu_H2O * Y_H2O + mu_C2H4 * Y_C2H4 &
                  + mu_C2H6 * Y_C2H6 + mu_C8H10_C6H5C2H5 * Y_C8H10_C6H5C2H5 + mu_C5H12 * Y_C5H12 + mu_sl * Y_sl