SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault

I am running a reacting fluidized bed system with mfix-20.4.3. My case was able to run up to simulation time = 11.790 s, then aborted because of SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault. See the error message below:

Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault - invalid memory reference.

Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7F67D1E99E08
#1 0x7F67D1E98F90
#2 0x7F67D15CA4BF
#3 0x4469D4 in __desgrid_MOD_desgrid_neigh_build at desgrid_mod.f:1060
#4 0x45DF71 in __neighbour_mod_MOD_neighbour at neighbour.f:56
#5 0x440344 in des_time_march_MOD_des_time_step at des_time_march.f:219 (discriminator 1)
#6 0x40CDDA in run_dem at mfix.f:211
#7 0x40D23D in MAIN
at mfix.f:298

mpirun noticed that process rank 18 with PID 11924 on node tig exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

Anyone with tips of what I am doing wrong?

It could be that your particles are too soft and/or going too fast, and are going through the wall. If you have data just before the failure occurs, look to see if you have particles leaving the domain. If so, this is usually solved by increasing the spring stiffness.