Simulation is not running showing some meshing error!

Hi, I am new to MFIX software. I am doing a DEM 2D simulation for binary particles in a fluidized bed. For mono particle simulation, it is running fine, but I am facing this problem for a binary particle with the same mesh size.

"INFO open_files.f:374

The following mesh file was not found: TRIAL2.msh

Mesh generation will be performed and a mesh file will be saved."

Kindly suggest to me how to fix this.

Thanks in advance

Hi Priyabrata, welcome.

That message is an INFO message which does not indicate an error. Messages from the MFiX solver are 3 types, INFO, WARNING and ERROR. The INFO messages are just informational. What happens after this, does the simulation continue? Are there WARNING or ERROR messages?

– Charles

Charles: Thank you for your reply.

Can you help me with another issue that I am facing now?

While enabling the auto-generation of particles, the simulation is running, but it shows this error when I am defining some number of particles.

ERROR des\read_particle_input.f:87

Kindly suggest to me how to deal with this problem.

Priyabata - please attach your input files. You can use the “Submit bug report” menu item (from the main menu) to create a .ZIP file containing all the MFiX inputs. Upload that to this page and I’ll take a look.

– Charles

Thank you, Charles, for your quick reply.
With some modifications, I have tried to run the simulation. But after some iteration, it’s getting stopped. The error showing is:

ERROR time_step.f:193
DT < DT_MIN. Recovery not possible!

I have tried to change the time step maximum and minimum time step value, but same error is appearing. As per your suggestion here I have attached my file.

Kindly have a look and tell me where I am going wrong. (32.6 KB)

I usually find that simulations converge better with ideal gas law. Go to the fluid pane and set the density to “Ideal Gas Law”, and for Mol. Weight, use a constant value of 29 kg/kmol. The first P0 residual is very low (~1E-8), so set the fluid normalization (in the Numerics pane) to 0. Start with a time step of 1E-4 s and it should move forward.

Please verify your initial particle setup, you are asking for 25000 particles in each region, which is more than can fit.

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Thank you Jeff for your suggestions. Now the simulation is running.