Simulations take too long to run (2.4 KB)

I have uploaded the simulation input file. I was wondering if you could kindly check the file and let me know if there is any modification I could do to make it faster?
Currently it is taking too long to be completed (even though I am running it on university cluster with adequate resources). I have used gfortran and intel to compile but both of them took very long regardless.

Thank you very much

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What do you consider too long, and what resources are you using? I can’t run your model as is, I had to change the inlet void fraction to 0.8 (was set to 1.0 with solids fraction set to 0.2).

You should reduce the vtp and .RES file write frequency. You can also try to lower the spring stiffness.

This being said, the time step will be small since these are 100 microns particles.

Thanks for your swift reply. I’m using the University cluster – each node used for my simulation has 20 processor cores with 128 GB RAM. The input file that was attached for my simulation took 19 hours to complete.
I think I never specified inlet void fraction. The initial gas fraction was specified as 1.0.