SMS workflow, asked to specifiy gas mass flow rate

when trying to build a 3D mesh with an external .stl, and specifying the bottom cone inlet as Mass inflow, I also get this message which I don’t know exactly how to deal with. Should I set this already somewhere, or is this a bug?

Was able to solve this by changing to standard workflow, entering a Mass inflow, and returning to SMS workflow.

I would consider this a bug, thanks for reporting. We need to relax the data check in SMS mode.

The SMS workflow also has trouble redoing meshes if I go back to improve mesh after having started a simulation with “resume”.
Would it be possible to change these keyowords directly? The editor says read only.


You can always exit MFiX, open the project file in a text editor, and modify keywords. We generally don’t recommend doing that, because it’s easy to make a mess of things, but you can do so, at your own risk. You will stay out of trouble if you don’t have the file open in MFiX while editing, and make backup copies of the file. (Actually, the MFiX GUI uses ‘git’ to make a commit every time you save the file, so if you are familiar with git, you can use that to help you as well).

– Charles

It is not allowed to change the mesh and do a restart. The data in the restart file is directly mapped to the mesh. Changing the mesh would probably result in unrecoverable errors.

I might have been unclear - but I am actually not trying to remesh and restart/resume. But the meshing process is trying itself to restart (while in the SMS workflow), possibly because the first simulation has been run with a restart. But when I go back to meshing, I’m left with this message. (I’m not allowed to specify whether the meshing process shall be a “new” or “restarted”, though I would assume it should be a “new” always, it makes no sense to me to resume a meshing process…)

I see. Somehow you still have run_type=restart_1 when you mesh. Maybe you can use the same workaround, i.e. switch to standard workflow, reset the model and start a new simulation that you manually terminate by clicking on the “stop” button. Then you can go back to meshing.

Alternatively, you can edit the keyword from the Advanced pane (search for run_type and set it to ‘new’) or by closing the GUI and editing the .mfx file in a text editor.

We will see how to prevent this loophole in the next release.

Hi, Dr. Dietiker

Can you please tell me what is the .res file used for? Though i have used MFIX more than one year, but i haven’t known the role of this kind of file, which seems not to be used often.

The .RES file is used when restarting a simulation. All variables are stored in this file at regular intervals (RES_DT). After a simulation has been completed, it is possible to restart (after increasing TSTOP which sets the final simulation time). Upon restart, MFiX will read all variables values from the restart file and continue the simulation from the point in time when the last .RES file was saved.

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