Some questions about outputing the heat transfer between particle and wall and the Convection Heat Transfer

I want to output heat transfer of the particle!And I use the des_usr_var to complete it!

I know the QSWALL in cal_force_dem.f is the heat transfer between wall and particle. So I store it to the 3rd arrays of des_usr_var. But the user_defined_var_3 in vtk is zero.

The convection heat transfer is zero in vtk too.(CONV_Qs in cal_thermo_des.f )
There are some wrongs,I have submitted my debug. How can I solve it?Thank you very much! (240.3 KB)

Your wall bc is set to adiabatic for the solids phase, so there is no heat transfer. Set a constant temperature for the solids phase to see if it helps. You may also need to reset des_usr_var to zero before entering the particle loop if you do not want to carry the value when particles move away from the wall.

Thank you for your reply!

I have set the wall temperature to 1000K and the solid temperature to 300K.No particle-to-wall heat transfer,too Are walls adiabatic in these settings?How can I change it? Thank you very much ,Jeff. (268.9 KB)

Not sure, looks like you are setting a wall temperature. I see non zero values of des_usr_var(3) near the wall:

But it’s zero in my vtk,What is your mfix version?
It’s really strange.

I used the latest 21.4 on Linux

Thank you very much.I will try it.