Some questions about TFM boundary condition in the imported STL file?

Hello, guys!
I have some code doubts about the BC_JJ_PS boundary condition in the TFM.

  1. When I look up the running code for TFM, I find that the CG_source_u_s.f module can only be called under the Cartesian_grid is true(in the first screenshot). But i know the BC_JJ_PS condition is in incompatible with the Cartesian grid, that means the code in second screenshot is never called in this module, and I would like to know if my thinking is correct?
  2. How can i consider the wall friction effect in the dense gas-solid flow?
    Thanks for your help.
    Kindly regards


Yes this is correct, JJ BC is currently not available with cut cells.

Thanks for reply, Jeff!
If i want to implement the JJ BC with cut cells, which .f file should i modified.
Is it the entire like CG_SOURCE_U_S.f or just the SUBROUTINE CG_SOURCE_U_S_BC!