Some questions about the rate of thermal conduction between particles

I use a variable ‘des_usr_var’ in the ‘cal_force_dem’ file to store the inter-particle conductive heat transfer rate. I don’t know if this is the correct way to store it.

That looks OK. Are you getting a reasonable result? If you are running in SMP mode you may want to protect those lines with !$omp_atomic as is done for the updates at lines 216 and 219.

And don’t forget to set DES_USR_VAR_SIZE (labeled as “Enable user scalar tracking” in the Model pane)

Thanks Charles. I am running in DMP mode. I was wondering how much this setup affects the QQ_TMP results. I’m not quite sure what is the biggest factor that affects QQ_TMP.

@cgw @jeff.dietiker Hellow,Charles and Jeff. I find that the minimum conduction distance has a large impact on the results, how can I reasonably set this value? Is it related to particle size?