Some typos in the tutorials of MFIX 19.2.2

Dear MFIX development group,

I have noticed that some typos exist in the tutorials of MFIX 19.2.2. They are listed as follows.

4.11.4. Monitor Types

The table below summarizes the nomenclature used yo describe the monitor operators:

4.5.1. Fluid Model Options

Solve Species Equations By default, species transport equations are not solved for the fluid phase. If species equations are enabled, species will need to be added to the fluid phase using the fluid species tool. ADD REF

5.3.2. Building Solver from Source

For prerequisites, see Install Solver Build Dependencies (optional) or Install Solver Build Dependencies (optional).

5.3.3. Building Conda package

To build the conda package of MFiX, you will need to install the build dependencies for your platform. Please see Install Solver Build Dependencies (optional) or Install Solver Build Dependencies (optional).

6.2.2. Running Custom Solver From Command Line

On Windows, the current directory always takes priority for commands, so . is not needed.

8.2. User-Defined Functions

To activate the calls to the following three routines, make sure the “Enable user-defined subroutines” checkbox is checked in the Model pane.

8.4.13. How to manually specify a grid partition for DMP runs?

When running a simulation in parallel (DMP) mode, the parallel decomposition is by default uniform in each direction and the number of partitons is set by NODESI, NODESJ, and NODESK in the x,y and z directions, respectivelly. The default partition may not always be the most efficient. For example, a DEM simulation of a fluidized bed where most particles are at the bottom of the bed may run faster if smaller partitions are set at the bottom, where many particles are located and a large partition is used in the freeboard. This will better distribute particles amon processors, and provide a better load balance.

This means 8 cores will remain mostly iddle with respect to particle tracking and collision.

PS: some hyperlinks need to add and/or update.
" Geometry Mesh Regions

8.4.1. How do I ask question, or send feedback?
Please send specific questions and feedback regarding the GUI to the support forum<>__. Please include your version info in all communications (File Menu –> About and press the “Copy Version Info” button). Other technical questions regarding MFiX can be sent to the support forum<>__.


Let’s make MFIX better.

Best wishes,
Robert Yu


Thanks! these will be fixed for the next release.

Some other typos found:

  1. In ’ 4.2.1. Adding Geometry’, ‘Parametrics (torus, boy, conic spiral, etc.)’ , ‘boy’ here is suggested to change to ‘box’.
  2. In ’ 4.11.4. Monitor Types’, ‘The table below summarizes the nomenclature used yo describe the monitor operators’, ‘yo’ here is suggested to change to ‘to’.
  3. In ’ Reaction Restrictions’, ‘Example 4’, it is suggested to move ‘The heat of reaction, DH, and how it is distributed between phases, fracDH, must be specified if there are two or more solids phases listed as either reactants or products.’ out of the bullets list.
  4. In ‘ Reaction Restrictions’, ‘Example 5’, ‘Solid phase 2, FC2, is a product’ here is suggested to change to ‘Solid phase 3, FC3 (sSoot), is a product’.

Robert Yu

Thanks again! Will be fixed in 19.3 release.