Something wrong about running custom solver from command line

Dear developers,I have build a dmp solver by using command line.But there are something wrong about running custom solver from command line.
mpirun -np 8 mfixsolver -f single_15.mfx NODESI=2 NODESJ=4 NODESK=1 (30.6 MB) (80.6 KB) (203 Bytes)

I delete NODESI=2 NODESJ=4 NODESK=1 in the command line, the single_15.mfx runs
Thank you very much!

MFIX keywords on the command line are not supported. Put the nodesi, nodesj, nodesk settings in the .mfix file.

Did you see a document that told you to put the NODES keys on the command line? If so let me know so I can correct it.

You can set keywords on the command line only with the interactive solver.

6.4. Running a Batch Solver — MFiX 22.1 documentation (

Sorry I mistyped my previous reply. You can set keywords on the command line only with the batch solver.