Source code of mfix-cgp

Hello everyone,
Which source file is the source code of CGP ? I want to know how it works. Thanks.

It is the same as DEM, please see model/des directory.

I’m terribly sorry. I browsed through the files in the directory, but still could not find any detailed information about CGP. Can you help look for it? Thanks.

There isn’t any large pieces of code specific to CGP. It is mostly regular DEM with some scaling sprinkled here or there. A good tool on Linux is grep:

cd mode/des
grep CGDEM *.f

will show you where corrections (scaling) are applied. For example, the drag is using the real (not scaled) particle diameter:

drag_gp_des.f:      IF(CGDEM) DPM = 2.0d0*DES_CGP_RPR(NP)```
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