Do I have to modify the STL file or just the .mfx one ? Here is my .mfx, how can i change it to do a pseudo-2D ??
Run Controls
description = ‘MFiX Simulation’
run_name = ‘rotating_drum’
units = ‘SI’
run_type = ‘new’
time = 0.0
tstop = 2.0
dt = 1.0000e-03
dt_min = 1.0000e-07
dt_max = 1.0000e-04
res_dt = 0.1
batch_wallclock = 9000.0
chk_batchq_end = .True.
drag_c1 = 0.8
drag_d1 = 2.65
drag_type = ‘SYAM_OBRIEN’
turbulence_model = ‘NONE’
energy_eq = .False.
nodesi = 1
nodesj = 1
nodesk = 1
term_buffer = 180.0
write_dashboard = .False.
full_log = .True.
momentum_x_eq(0) = .False.
momentum_y_eq(0) = .False.
momentum_z_eq(0) = .False.
project_version = ‘7’
read_kf(1) = .True.
species_eq(0) = .False.
species_eq(1) = .False.
Physical parameters
gravity_x = 0.0
gravity_y = -9.80665
gravity_z = 0.0
Cartesian grid
cartesian_grid = .True.
tol_small_area = 0.01
tol_small_cell = 0.0
use_stl = .True.
detect_stall = .True.
max_nit = 50
coordinates = ‘CARTESIAN’
imax = 10
jmax = 10
kmax = 10
x_max = 0.05
x_min = -0.05
y_max = 0.052
y_min = -0.048
z_max = 0.1
z_min = 0.0
mu_g0 = 1.8000e-05
mw_avg = 29.0
ro_g0 = 0
mmax = 1
Solid 1
solids_model(1) = 'DEM'
d_p0(1) = 0.005
ro_s0(1) = 2000.0
nmax_s(1) = 0
k_s0(1) = 1.0
ks_model(1) = 'MUSSER'
Initial conditions
Initial condition 1: Background IC
ic_x_e(1) = 0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmax)}
ic_x_w(1) = -0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmin)}
ic_y_s(1) = -0.048 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymin)}
ic_y_n(1) = 0.052 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymax)}
ic_z_b(1) = 0.0 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmin)}
ic_z_t(1) = 0.1 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmax)}
ic_des_fit_to_region(1) = .False.
ic_ep_g(1) = 1.0
ic_t_g(1) = 293.15
ic_u_g(1) = 0.0
ic_v_g(1) = 0.0
ic_w_g(1) = 0.0
ic_ep_s(1,1) = 0.0
ic_t_s(1,1) = 293.15
ic_theta_m(1,1) = 0.0
ic_u_s(1,1) = 0.0
ic_v_s(1,1) = 0.0
ic_w_s(1,1) = 0.0
Initial condition 2: Initial Particles
ic_x_e(2) = 0.035
ic_x_w(2) = -0.035
ic_y_s(2) = -0.035
ic_y_n(2) = 0.035
ic_z_b(2) = 0.01
ic_z_t(2) = 0.09
ic_des_fit_to_region(2) = .False.
ic_ep_g(2) = 0.5
ic_t_g(2) = 293.15
ic_u_g(2) = 0.0
ic_v_g(2) = 0.0
ic_w_g(2) = 0.0
ic_ep_s(2,1) = 0.5
ic_t_s(2,1) = 293.15
ic_theta_m(2,1) = 0.0001
ic_u_s(2,1) = 0.0
ic_v_s(2,1) = 0.0
ic_w_s(2,1) = 0.0
Boundary conditions
Boundary condition 1: wall
bc_type(1) = 'CG_NSW'
bc_x_e(1) = 0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmax)}
bc_x_w(1) = -0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmin)}
bc_y_s(1) = -0.048 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymin)}
bc_y_n(1) = 0.052 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymax)}
bc_z_b(1) = 0.0 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmin)}
bc_z_t(1) = 0.1 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmax)}
bc_jj_ps(1) = 0
bc_uw_g(1) = 0.0
bc_vw_g(1) = 0.0
bc_ww_g(1) = 0.0
Boundary condition 2: bottom
bc_type(2) = 'MI'
bc_x_e(2) = 0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmax)}
bc_x_w(2) = -0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmin)}
bc_y_s(2) = -0.048 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymin)}
bc_y_n(2) = -0.048 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymin)}
bc_z_b(2) = 0.0 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmin)}
bc_z_t(2) = 0.1 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmax)}
bc_ep_g(2) = 1.0
bc_p_g(2) = 101325.0
bc_t_g(2) = 293.15
bc_u_g(2) = 0.0
bc_v_g(2) = 0.0
bc_w_g(2) = 0.0
# Solid 1
bc_ep_s(2,1) = 0.0
bc_t_s(2,1) = 293.15
bc_u_s(2,1) = 0.0
bc_v_s(2,1) = 0.0
bc_w_s(2,1) = 0.0
Boundary condition 3: right
bc_type(3) = 'PO'
bc_x_e(3) = 0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmax)}
bc_x_w(3) = 0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmax)}
bc_y_s(3) = -0.048 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymin)}
bc_y_n(3) = 0.052 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymax)}
bc_z_b(3) = 0.0 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmin)}
bc_z_t(3) = 0.1 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmax)}
bc_p_g(3) = 101325.0
VTK outputs
write_vtk_files = .True.
time_dependent_filename = .True.
VTK output 1: Background IC
vtk_filebase(1) = 'particles'
vtk_x_e(1) = 0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmax)}
vtk_x_w(1) = -0.05 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(xmin)}
vtk_y_s(1) = -0.048 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymin)}
vtk_y_n(1) = 0.052 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(ymax)}
vtk_z_b(1) = 0.0 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmin)}
vtk_z_t(1) = 0.1 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(zmax)}
vtk_data(1) = 'P'
vtk_dt(1) = 0.01
vtk_nxs(1) = 0
vtk_nys(1) = 0
vtk_nzs(1) = 0
vtk_part_angular_vel(1) = .True.
vtk_part_diameter(1) = .True.
vtk_part_id(1) = .True.
vtk_part_rank(1) = .True.
vtk_part_vel(1) = .True.
SPx outputs
spx_dt(1) = 0.1
spx_dt(2) = 0.1
spx_dt(3) = 0.1
spx_dt(4) = 0.1
spx_dt(5) = 0.1
spx_dt(6) = 0.1
spx_dt(7) = 0.1
spx_dt(8) = 0.1
spx_dt(9) = 0.1
spx_dt(10) = 1.0
spx_dt(11) = 1.0
resid_string(1) = ‘P0’
resid_string(2) = ‘P1’
resid_string(3) = ‘U0’
resid_string(4) = ‘V0’
resid_string(5) = ‘U1’
resid_string(6) = ‘V1’
Discrete element model
des_coll_model = ‘LSD’
des_en_input(1) = 0.95
des_en_wall_input(1) = 0.9
des_etat_fac = 0.5
des_etat_w_fac = 0.5
des_interp_mean_fields = .False.
des_interp_on = .False.
des_interp_scheme = ‘NONE’
des_intg_method = ‘EULER’
gener_part_config = .True.
kn = 10000.0
kn_w = 10000.0
kt_fac = 0.28571428571429 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(2/7)}
kt_w_fac = 0.28571428571429 #!MFIX-GUI eq{float(2/7)}
mew = 0.3
mew_w = 0.3
Two-fluid model
c_e = 0.95
c_f = 0.1
ep_star = 0.42
friction_model = ‘SCHAEFFER’
kt_type = ‘ALGEBRAIC’
phi = 30.0
phi_w = 11.3
UDF control
call_usr = .True.
des_usr_var_size = 1