Strange distribution about initial void fraction

Hello everyone,
I want to simulate a fluidized bed reactor with a particle inlet tube, the geometry structure and boundary conditions are shown in the picture. I used the MFIX-PIC model.
When the calculation began (0.00s), I found that the initial void fraction (EP_G) near the tube was different from the other area of bed material, which is higher than the setting value. Then after 0.01s, you can see the particles near the tube are “jumping”, then the terminal report an error about DT<DTmin or Program received signal SIGSEGV: Segmentation fault invalid memory reference. I tried changing the cell size and the particle diameter, but it didn’t work. I suspect it is caused by geometric structure or mesh because if I delete the tube, the initial void fraction (EP_G) is uniform, and there will be no errors in the calculation.
Are there any recommended model-building steps for this kind of structure?

This is my file zip. (185.7 KB)

Please try with cell re-indexing turned off (Mesh pane, uncheck “Unable array re-indexing”). Looks like there is an issue with the re-indexing method.