Temperature boundary

Hi, I want to simulate the heat transfer by DEM. the temperatures at the bed bottom and top are set constants, Tb=125 °C and Tt=25 °C, respectively. The side faces are assumed to be adiabatic. I set several boundary conditions here, but according to the simulation results, no heat transfer occur. I think the boundary condition for bottom temperature do not make effect.
calc_force_dem.f (14.7 KB)
des_thermo_cond_mod.f (27.7 KB)
des_thermo_conv.f (8.3 KB)
particle_input.dat (767.4 KB)
smallsiz4_rg.mfx (27.9 KB)

I am not sure, I can see the temperature increase near the bottom wall (I am using MFiX 21.4).

yes I see. The heat transfer occur. But when try yo output the heat transfer by using des_var as I write in .f profile, it looks like all the heat transfer is equal to 0.