The icon to load stl is missing in MFIX 24.2.3 in Linux


Does MFIX 24.2.3 support stl import in Linux? I do not see the icon in MFIX to load stl file when using it in Linux. It is available in Windows, but missing in Linux.

You should be able to load an stl file on Linux. Can you please attach a screenshot?

Thank you for your response, Jeff. An image is attached. The behavior is same whether SMS is used or not. One point to be noted is that I start mfix with -k option because of Qt error.


So you cannot expand the “+” icon?

But first we need to figure out what is wrong with Qt. Please post the error message you get. If you run mfix without vtk you won’t be able to visualize anything.

I think you mean VTK, not Qt.

The VTK library is used to load STL files, so the icon will be disabled when you run without VTK.

How did you install MFiX, and what is the issue with VTK?

Please go to main menu, select “Submit bug report” and upload the resulting ZIP file here. Thanks.

You are right. The error is related to VTK; I cannot load VTK. When mfix is started, it gives following error

Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported.

About the stl, nothing happens when I click on +. There is no menu. As you can notice, the small arrow to show the menu is missing.

Bug report is attached. VTK issue could be related to OpenGL not being latest. I do not how to use mesa with mfix. Paraview and glxgears start normally and run as expected. (29.9 KB)

Forgot to mention that mfix is installed as per the instructions given.

Installed miniforge and then just used the command given on the portal.

Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported.

This is not the typical error when your system is too old to support OpenGL. Do you have the variable SESSION_MANAGER set in your environment? Searching for this error message suggests that unsetting SESSION_MANAGER may fix the problem, (although it doesn’t make sense to me that you only see this error when you load VTK.)

I did have a SESSION_MANAGER set. Its value was


I unset it and it does not give session management related error anymore. But the rest of the issue remains. The error log file is attached.

mfixerr.txt (5.7 KB)

This is the typical error when VTK is failing to load. If you are running on a remote server, you need to do vglrun mfix. Otherwise it may be that your graphics card is too old. Can you post the output of glxinfo ?

Yes, it is a remote login via ThinLinc. But the issue is same even without the remote login. Maybe because of old OpenGL. I have asked IT to check if the graphics driver can be updated so that we have at least OpenGL 3.2. Can mfix run with mesa?
glxinfo.txt (21.1 KB)

name of display: /private/tmp/

Looks like your desktop machine is a Mac running XQuartz. I’m not at all sure this can work. Supported OpenGL version is very outdated · Issue #335 · XQuartz/XQuartz · GitHub

I am not sure if the VTK libraries from conda-forge support software rendering via Mesa. This is beyond the scope of this forum. Please try to get help on the VTK forums, or from your local IT support… this is not really an MFiX issue. MFiX will run without VTK, via the -k flag, but many features will be disabled, like loading STL files.

Thank you. It is RHEL 7.x and we found that OpenGL 3.2 is not supported. Currently, I am doing it in ad-hoc manner. Setting up in Windows and then running in Linux because Windows doesn’t support dmp. And then post-processing using Windows.

Desktop machine is Windows 10.

Oh, my mistake, I was looking at an old glxinfo file somebody else uploaded from a Mac!

In your glxinfo I see

OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 2.0 Mesa 18.3.4

which is too old. It’s too bad you’re stuck on RHEL7. I’m not sure I have any great suggestions for you. Your ad-hoc method may be the best approach.