The maximum number of iteration in a DEM time step

In a time step for the fluid field, the maximum number of iteration is 50. What is the maximum number of iteration in a DEM time step?


There is no maximum number of iterations in DEM. The number of iterations is fixed and set as the ratio of the fluid time step (DT) over the solids time step (DTSOLIDS).

Thank you @jeff.dietiker . Here are two nouns: the number of DEM iteration and the maximum number of steps through a DEM loop (NEIGHBOR_SEARCH_N). Does the word ‘steps’ in the later noun mean time steps?

Here steps means a solid time step. For example, if the fluid time step DT=1E-3 s and the solids time step is DTSOLID=1E-5 s, then there will be 100 DEM iterations (solids time steps) between each fluid time step. Now if NEIGHBOR_SEARCH_N=20 then we will do a neighborsearch every 20 DEM iterations.

I have clearly understood. Thanks.