The tab 'PIC' in 'Solids' is not avaliable


Type of issue
Setup in GUI

MFiX version: 22.4.1; solver: MFiX-PIC; case: 3D PIC loop seal in Tutorials. When turning to the tab ‘PIC’ in ‘Solids’, errors occur.

Attempts to fix the issue
The problem may be caused by the new added tab ‘SQP’, so I try to change the corresponding relationships of tabs, but it did’t work.

Did you?

Attach project files (55.1 MB)

Thank you for the bug report. You are correct that this is an issue caused by the new SQP tab. We will fix this in the next release. Unfortunately I did not see this in time for the 22.4.2 version that was just released today.

In the meantime:

edit the file


and change line 481 from

            target -= 1


            target -= 2

Thanks again for reporting this and sorry for the difficulty. Please let us know if you have further issues.

– Charles

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Thank you for your prompt reply. It’s very helpful to us.

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Hi, @cgw :
Sorry to bother again, I met some problems when using MFiX-22.4.2 today:

  1. I found that the following error would occur when I used the external geometry (.stl) and clicked on the 3d view (vtk) in visual window. Besides, I have tested it and the error didn’t happen when using the built-in geometry file (such as the primitives in ‘Geometry’). The project files are also attached. (276.8 KB)
  2. The calculation went smoothly but text window usually displayed prompts, such as ‘t= 0.0000 Dt= 0.1000E-02 NIT= 14 Sm= 0.0000 CPU= 5.s MbError%(0,MMAX): -0.9007E-10’. My confusion is what ‘MbError%(0,MMAX): -0.9007E-10’ means.

Looking forward to your reply.

I’m looking into the VTK error but I’m not having luck reproducing it - does this happen for you on every run? Are there any “stray” files in your project dir?

Also, a small request - in the future, if you mark a topic as “solved” then create a new posting if you have further questions - it makes it easier for us and others to keep track of issues on the forum and which ones have been solved.

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Thank you for your reply.
The error above just happened when I used my own geometry. Fortunately, I retested it just now and VTK went well when I changed the file format of my geometry. The reason is that my geometry file is in STL (not stl), which is exported from SOLIDWORKS 2021.
Besides, my confusion is still here and could you please tell me what ‘MbError%(0,MMAX): XXX’ means. Is it a warning or error?
Thank you again at last.

MbError%(0,MMAX): XXX is just a report on mass balance. You want the reported number to be small. Here you have less than 1E-10 which is very small, so you are good.

Understood, thank you!