The TFM model calculates divergence

Hi, developers.
I have constructed a reactor and it calculates fine using DEM, but it always diverges using TFM and I can’t find the reason for it, can you help me to check this arithmetic? Thanks!
I also often diverge when using TFM for other calculations, is it that TFM is harder to converge than DEM.
Tong (12.7 MB)

Please try to increase the small cell tolerance and the normal distance tolerance in the Mesh pane. Set a value for both of say 0.02 and see if this helps.

Thank you very much! It really worked.
Also, I have two related questions:

  1. How can I tell if the computational divergence is due to mesh quality? Sometimes there is no error message for the calculation divergence.
  2. I found that if I import MFiX stl from outside and mesh it, the quality of the mesh is not as good as the mesh quality of the stl created by MFiX itself, is that correct?

When you say “no error message” do you mean no popup window? Sometimes there is additional info in the .LOG or .*out files.

OK,I understand. Thanks!!