The use_ rates. f cannot successfully build solver after being added to the simulation

Hello developer,
I want to add an ozone decomposition reaction to the case, with apparent reaction rate constant kr=4.15s-1. I wrote use_ rates. f cannot successfully build solver after being added to the simulation.Could you help me check? Thank you. (27.9 MB)

If you scroll up in the build output window you will see more details about the build error.
Line 1 has Subroutine misspelled (missing S).

After I made the modifications, it still cannot build solver. This is my first time writing responsive code. Please help me double check. Thank you very much!

Use “First error” / “Next error” buttons to navigate through compiler errors. It’s always best to start with the first error. Clicking on the underlined filename/line number will take you to the offending line of code in your source.

We don’t have the resources to help all MFiX users write code but we try to provde guidance. But you need to be able to read and understand the error messages foming from the compiler. If you’re not familiar with Fortran I suggest the book/website “Modern Fortran” by Milan Curcic.

The first error, as Jeff pointed out, is that you have “UBROUTINE” instead of “SUBROUTINE”. In this case, “First error” took me directly to the problem:

After fixing this the next error is:

   38 |       RATES(Ozone_Decomposition) = 4.15 *EP_g(IJK) * (c_O3 )
      |                               1
Error: Symbol 'ozone_decomposition' at (1) has no IMPLICIT type

“has no IMPLICIT type” is Fortran’s way of telling you the symbol is not defined. And looking at your “” (in the build directory) you will see

      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: O3 = 1
      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: O2 = 2
      INTEGER, PARAMETER :: Reaction_1 = 1

There is no reaction called Ozone_Decomposition so this symbol is invalid. You have a single reaction, called Reacton 1:


Thank you very much for your guidance.