Dear all,
I was trying to getting familiar with the new version of MFIX_GUI by running the vortex_shedding_fld_2d tutorial. I am using this tutorial because I need to run a 2D simulation using a wall geometry that in the past I used to provide via the polygon file. This tutorial looked very similar.
I have tried modifying the geometry, say by increasing the size of the cylinder but, when I generate the mesh, the modification of the geometry does not seem to have any effect. For example the number of blocked cells and fluid cells do not change if I change the cylinder size. Likewise if I add another shape.
The other weird thing (at least for me that I am relatively unexperienced with MFIX GUI) is that the GUI messages say that MFIX is saving the geometry into a geometry.stl file, which I cannot find in the working folder.
What am I doing wrong here?
Thank you very much