Unphysical phenomena in a beaker

Hi, I am simulating a beaker with a rotator, in which the bottom velocity at the bottom is zero.
However, when I check the fluid vectors in the domain, it was found that there are two vertical vectors and particles are blown up.


It is really confusing as there is no vertical fluid inlet.

case.zip (3.6 MB)
Just find that the case was not uploaded successfully

I have started looking at it. One thing I noticed right away is you don’t have a good mesh at the top. You usually get better intersections at inlets or outlets when you let the stl file stick out of the MFiX box.

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Please try the attached. I moved the stl to get better intersection along the outlet plane. I also played with the mesh. I think the tiny vertical vectors are a side effect of the cut-cell+staggered velocicy+Paraview cell to point filter. Some cut cells don’t have a x-velocity component because they don’t have an east face. This ends up messing up the vector representation.

rotator.mfx (20.4 KB)

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