Unrealistic Rotating Gravity conditions for Rotating Drum Simulation

Dear MFIX Contributors,

As an exercise to understand more fully how to model the system I am working on using fluctuating gravity conditions, I am trying to recreate a rotating drum simulation in the manner prescribed by @wfullmer using rotating gravity conditions and am getting the following results. I input the gravity conditions in des_time_march prior to the call to calc_force_dem and have defined the angular frequency to be equal to 1.0. Any possible diagnosis would be helpful.



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I am not sure exactly what you are asking. You are rotating gravity so the particles will go wherever the velocity vector is pointed…

The simulation output (vtp files) do not contain information about which direction the velocity vector is pointed, and the GUI does not automatically change the view to make sure gravity is always pointed down. So if you play this in the GUI, the particles should move around the drum, not always be at the bottom.

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Thank you for your reply @onlyjus. Is there another possible approach in the command line I can use to force the main gravity vector to point down while still rotating the drum? I apologize if this wording is confusing. I am fairly new to using this program.



You would have to rotate the view. This is not supported in the GUI.

You might be able to do it in Paraview but I don’t know how.

To rotate he view in Paraview as a function of time, you need to apply a transform filter to your data, and then animate one of the Transform filter input. Say you want to rotate about the z-axix, then you would setup keyframe values in the Animation View pane for the “Transform rotate (2)” input. The rotation in Paraview is always centered at the origin, so if your axis of rotation doesn’t go through (0,0,0), then you will need to translate your data first (this can be done with another transform filter).

Please see the Paraview documentation for more details