Vtk file not viewing correctly

I am performing a DEM simulation. When I keep the number of particles initialized in a small number, everything goes smooth. The moment I initialize with more particles in the particle seeding inside my hopper, the particles randomly vibrate/move haphazard and change positions. I also noticed that while playing the vtk video, if I were to start the video over, the particle positions change from what I had initially.

I have attached the files. Simply click run and visualize the particle motion.
Is this to do with DEM or to do with the vtk file visualizer?

Help from the MFix team is appreciated.
(Pls create a folder with the dem3.mfx and the stl file inside the folder to begin with)

dem3.mfx (13.7 KB)
lattic_3by3_flow_controller (2).STL (3.4 KB)

There is a “max point” setting that limits the number of rendered particles (to save time). Please select the “BACKGROUND_IC” object, and change max points to say 400,000. Since you have around 300K particles, this will render all particles in the system. This may become slow to render though.

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Thank you very much for this. Working now.