Where to find the source code?


I am installing the latest version of MFIX on a new linux server, however I am unable to find the source code download option anymore. Has this option been discontinued?


Currently only the conda package download is supported. If you don’t want to install the GUI and all of its dependencies, you can change the download command from

$ mamba create -n mfix-23.4.1 mfix==23.4.1 mfix-doc==23.4.1 mfix-gui==23.4.1 mfix-solver==23.4.1 mfix-src==23.4.1 -c conda-forge -c https://mfix.netl.doe.gov/s3/...


$ mamba create -n mfix-23.4.1 mfix-src==23.4.1 -c conda-forge -c https://mfix.netl.doe.gov/s3/...

i.e. delete all sub-packages except mfix-src

Since there has been some demand for it, we will restore the source tarball to the website.