Why don't carbon particles move anymore?

I noticed that the carbon particles (yellow colour) stayed still for about 0.33 seconds when I ran the following case, I used the particle_input file to input the initial position of the particle.
I don’t know why this is happening and I hope someone can help me, thanks in advance.

0702-2.mfx (30.7 KB)
particle_input.dat (8.3 MB)
usr_rates.f (3.9 KB)
usr_rates_des.f (6.1 KB)

My guess is that particle is too heavy to be fluidized. You could slightly increase the depth of the bed to make sure this is not a wall effect. The depth is currently the same (3mm) as the particle size.

Thanks, I tried to turn down the particle size (2.5mm) but the carbon particles still don’t move at the bottom, is this still due to the wall effect?How do I need to adjust the boundary conditions of the walls?

I was thinking the particle could get stuck between the wall, or wedged by the other small particles. If your particle drops down to the bottom, then it may not be a wall effect, but an insufficient fluidization velocity.

I’ve turned up the flow rate twice as much, but the carbon particles are floating in the free airspace, what can I do?

You should check if the particle reaction rate is reasonable.