Hi, I am doing a 2D DEM case. I found it seems good in MFiX vtk window: the partilces are contacting each other but not overlap. It seems like this (Point Gaussian )
However, when I want to show the particles in paraview. (still Point Gaussian), I found the partilces mess up and seem overlap.
Why this happen?
The GUI automatically scales the shaders based on the particle diameter. In Paraview, make sure you also scale them accordingly (this must be done manually). In the Point Gaussian Property panel, set the “Gaussian Radius” to 0.5, check the “Use Scale Array” box, and select “Diameter” in the “Gaussian Scale Array” drop down list.
Note: If all particles have the same radius, you could leave the “Use Scale Array” box unchecked and enter the actual particle radius in “Gaussian Radius”.