Wrong values showing in the monitor

Hi everyone,

I simulated a case for gas-solid fluidization with initial particle bed and gas inlet at the buttom of domain. The average pressure at the inlet and outlet surface are monitored, and the pressure contour is output as well. For the pressure contour, the pressure near the buttom region is higher than the top region. The difference between p_max and p_min is around 136. This result seems to be right.


However, in the monitor window, the buttom pressure becomes lower than the top pressure. Besides, the pressure difference is reduced by several orders of magnitude. It is obvious that the result reported in the monitor is wrong. How to achieve right results from the monitor?

Thank you.

Please attach the project files.

I am sorry Charles, here is my case file.
Pressure_droping_VDW.mfx (17.4 KB)

I wonder if the monitor is outside the domain in the ghost cells. A value of 0 is suspicious. Try increasing the y position of the monitor.

Hi Justin, thanks for your suggestion. I creat separately two new surfaces near the bottom and top of the domain by increasing and decreasing the y position basing on two original surfaces. However, it does not work. The pressure at the buttom monitoring surface still equals to zero, and is lower than that at the top monitoring surface, which seems to be a wrong result.

Cylinder.mfx (14.8 KB)

Please make sure you always upload all necessary files (you are missing particle_input.dat).

Note that these are gauge pressures since you use constant gas density. The bottom monitor is still picking up the ghost cell pressure because it rounds down the coordinate. Please try with a y-location of ymin+0.003 so you are above half of the first cell. The top pressure will stay close to zero because this is the pressure at the outlet BC.

Much thanks. The pressure at the buttom monitoring surface is right if the y-location of a bottom surface for monitor is given a value larger than half of the cell size.