Young's modulus

Dear developer, when I select Hertzian, why can’t I modify Young’s modulus?

As always, please provide details about your system/installation and attach your files.

Note that it should be the other way around - the MFiX spec says:

Young’s modulus

  • Only available for Hertzian collision model

(since we disable controls for parameters which are not used, and the LSD model does not use Young’s modulus)

I verified that with version 23.3.1, the Young’s modulus (and Poisson’s ratio) controls are enabled for Hertzian model and disabled for LSD.

Thanks for your reply. I don’t know if it’s an installation problem. I am also using version 23.3.1, if I choose LSD, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio options are gray; If I choose Hertzian, the Young’s modulus option is not gray, but there is no text box available to enter the number.

Thanks. I don’t think I need to upload my files. Since I have no other Settings, I can reproduce the problem simply by selecting the DEM model and the Hertzian model. Here’s my file. I installed mfix on my laptop running Windows 11. (38.3 KB)
I also have 23.2 installed on my laptop, which can set Young’s modulus normally.

It always helps us reproduce the problem if you upload the bug report. It also contains version information about your system and the libraries MFiX uses, so it helps us narrow down problems. Thanks for uploading.

I am not sure, when I open you file with 23.3.1 on Windows, I can set the Young’s modulus

Please go to the main menu, select “Submit bug report”, and upload the resulting ZIP file. Simply zipping up the project directory, the way you did it, does not include the needed version info and includes irrelevant files.

Is there a scrollbar visible on the right side of the Solids/DEM pane?

Ok, thanks for telling me how to upload. (374.0 KB)
The scroll bar on my right seems fine, visible and free to scroll.