Hello, I am attempting to model pyrolysis on a single particle. I generated the reactions using C3M’s HPTR pyrolysis conditions and copied the generated files into MFiX. I also moved the USR_RATES to the USR_RATES_DES file, though the results were the same for each case - the reaction rates have remained zero for the duration of the run.
I’m wondering if I’m missing anything or what further parameters I could change to obtain a nonzero reaction rate. So far I have tried modifying the gas temperature, solid density, and solid particle diameter.
I have attached the exported C3M files and the bug report for the MFiX file. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
pyrolysis_test1_2022-07-04T193624.834154.zip (71.8 KB)
C3M_Export_RedOak.zip (32.8 KB)