Zeroed gas species concentration

Hi all,

I have a question about running some jobs with the latest MFiX versions. I have been having issues with chemical reactions and user-defined gas transport properties. I will focus this topic on the latter. I get at least a cell where all gas species concentrations return zeros as shown below:

Screenshot 2022-11-30 064753

Do you know what could be causing this issue and is there a way I could visualize a cell ID (ijk) in ParaView to examine the cell with this issue?

@jeff.dietiker @cgw @YupengXu

Is this a fluid cell? Please try to print the value of FLUID_AT(997) if it is available. You can visualize the cell index in the vtk files by setting vtk_ijk(vtk_region)= .true., or by checking cell index in the Output>VTK>Other pane in the GUI.

Thank you, Jeff @jeff.dietiker . I am getting something interesting.
I added two print statements to check for fluid cell availability and print mass concentration of species 1:
print*, "check for cell availability", FLUID_AT(997)
print*, "check for gas species", x_g(997, 1)

The interesting outcome is that some iterations prints True for FLUID_AT(997) and 0.99 for x_g(997, 1), as I would expect. I also see some iterations in between with False for FLUID_AT(997) and 0.0 for x_g(997, 1).

Are you running in serial or parallel DMP? In DMP, several processes have their own list of cells, and they could have a different cell type at IJK=997.

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I am running in parallel. 128 processes.

Please attach your complete setup (.mfx, stl file if any, all UDFs) and I will take a look.