Regression testing

Generating local regression test data

Developers are encouraged to create local benchmark data for regression testing prior to committing code the GitLab repository.

  1. Create a location to store benchmark data and clone the MFIX-Exa and AMReX repositories.

    mkdir /home/user/exa-rt
    mkdir /home/user/exa-rt/benchmark
    cd /home/user/exa-rt
    git clone
    git clone
  2. Create a local copy the regression test setup file from the MFIX-Exa repository.

    cp mfix/RegressionTesting/MFiX-tests.ini MFiX-local.ini
  3. Edit the local setup file. Specify the top level directories for test and web output under the [main] heading.

    testTopDir = /home/user/exa-rt/benchmark
    webTopDir =  /home/user/exa-rt/web

    Specify the AMReX source directory location under the [AMReX] heading.

    dir = /home/user/exa-rt/amrex
    branch = development

    Specify the MFIX-Exa source directory location under the [source] heading.

    dir = /home/user/exa-rt/mfix
    branch = develop
  4. Run the AMReX regression test tool. The second argument is a user supplied comment.

    cd /home/user/exa-rt
    amrex/Tools/RegressionTesting/ --make_benchmarks "MFiX" MFiX-local.ini

## Prerequisite: Environment Dependencies on Joule (Joule specific)

For the Joule environment, load the gnu module and set environment variables first. If not on Joule, skip this step.

module load gnu/6.1.0
export CC=/nfs/apps/Compilers/GNU/6.1.0/bin/gcc
export CXX=/nfs/apps/Compilers/GNU/6.1.0/bin/g++
export F77=/nfs/apps/Compilers/GNU/6.1.0/bin/gfortran
export FC=/nfs/apps/Compilers/GNU/6.1.0/bin/gfortran