Can not run Tutorials with STL file: Installation

Hello, I’ve tried to run the Tutorials and all the tutorials I tried with STL involved crashed with the error:
FATAL Error: There are no standard fluid cells in the computation.
Please verify geometry and mesh settings.
If using an STL file to define the geometry, this may be due to
normal vectors pointing in the wrong direction.

Even 3.1. First tutorial — MFiX 23.3 documentation, that is a complete case that only needs to run, crash with the same error.

The tutorials: 3.2. Two-dimensional fluidized bed, Two-fluid Model (TFM) — MFiX 23.3 documentation, and 3.3. Two-dimensional fluidized bed, Discrete Element Model (DEM) — MFiX 23.3 documentation can be run without problems, but
3.4. Three-dimensional single phase flow over a sphere — MFiX 23.3 documentation in which there is a sphere made of a STL, crashes again.

I’ve checked the normals, and they are correct. I do not know if there is something I’m doing wrong, or there is some libraries that are not installed in my linux box.

Please, let me know if there is something I’m missing, or there is an error related to STL files.
By the way, I’ve installed mfix 23.2, and I have the same problems.

My configuration is:
MFiX: 23.3.2
Python: 3.10.13 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Oct 26 2023, 18:07:37) [GCC 12.3.0]
gfortran: GNU Fortran (conda-forge gcc 13.2.0-3) 13.2.0
openmpi: mpirun (Open MPI) 4.1.6
Qt wrapper: PyQt5
Qt: 5.15.8
qtpy: 2.4.1
numpy: 1.26.2
nodeworks: Unavailable
flask: 3.0.0
psutil: 5.9.5
VTK: 9.2.6
OpenGL backend: 2
System info: Linux-6.2.0-37-generic-x86_64-with-glibc2.35
Install location: /home/lagar/anaconda3/envs/mfix-23.3.2/share/mfix
Solver source: /home/lagar/anaconda3/envs/mfix-23.3.2/share/mfix/src

I’ve just see that the generated STL files can not be read by paraview. Perhaps there is a problem related with decimal symbol. The geometry.stl file starts with:

solid Visualization Toolkit generated SLA File
facet normal -0,9945218931654648 0 0,10452848422597408
outer loop
vertex 0,048907380551099777 0,25 -0,010395584627985954
vertex 0,05000000074505806 -0,25 0
vertex 0,05000000074505806 0,25 0
facet normal -0,9945218931654648 0 0,10452848422597408
outer loop
vertex 0,05000000074505806 -0,25 0
vertex 0,048907380551099777 0,25 -0,010395584627985954
vertex 0,048907380551099777 -0,25 -0,010395584627985954
facet normal -0,95105655192700922 0 0,30901688471135025
outer loop
vertex 0,045677274465560913 0,25 -0,020336832851171494
vertex 0,048907380551099777 -0,25 -0,010395584627985954
vertex 0,048907380551099777 0,25 -0,010395584627985954

As you can see, the decimal marker is comma instead of point. I do not know if this is the cause.

It had to do with Locale and decimal separator. I’ve changed numeric representation to US and now it works!!!

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Thanks for letting us know!