Restarting Mfix batch solver

I am running on a linux machine using the batch solver in parallel and my case stopped. I am running with the batch solver because the linux machine doesn’t have graphics for the GUI interactive solver. I would like to restart it. I didn’t see discussion of case restarts in the user’s guide for the batch solver. First what files do I look for to see if I can restart it? And what is the line command to restart the case?

You will need to change the value of the RUN_TYPE keyword in the .mfx file. You can read about the valid values in the online documentation.



in the mfx file. You may need to increase TSTOP if the previous run completed. You will need a .RES file form the previous run. There is no need to delete any files in your project directory. Use the same command line for a restart as for a new run

Hi, Dr, Dietiker

Which files do you think are necessary to restart the simulation?

Thank you.

Are you running from the GUI? If you are, the GUI will handle that for you.

If you are running the batch solver and editing the *.mfx file by hand, see: 8.3.1. Run control — MFiX 22.1 documentation

Hi, Weber

I ran my case from TUI. I tested this function ever by using GUI, it is very convenient. When restarting a case that has been deleted in the cluster, it is necessary to make sure which filed are needed to upload to the cluster, in order to save memory and time.