Where can i find Jordan Musser’s thesis mentioned in the link?

Hi, everyone

Have you read Jordan Musser’s thesis before, which is mentioned in this link?

Continuing the discussion from Why the particle-particle conduction is not called in the source code?:

Though in this topic, galvinj thought this thesis is older, i think it may be stiil useful for me, a newer, to know the design and structure of codes. I hope someone can tell me where it is. Thank you.

Hi, wuming
sorry for delaying. I saw your post and I replied it at that time. But the network is not working well so I fail to sent the message out then.Until recently I didn’t notice that and I am sorry for delaying

You can contact me with email if you want the copy of this paper. Actually it is easy to find the paper by searching the author “Jordan Musser”


Hi, chunlei

Thank you for your reply. Could you please tell me this paper’s title directly? Thank you.

Modeling of heat transfer and reactive chemistry for particles in gas-solid flow utilizing continuum-discrete methodology (CDM)

Hi, Wang Shuai

Thank you for your information. With your help, i have got Dr. Musser’s thesis.
