Why the particle-particle conduction is not called in the source code?

I am reading the Jordan Musser’s thesis about implementing the conduction into the MFiX.

I did find the subroutine to calculate the particle-particle conduction in des_thermo_cond_mod.f
and I found this fucntion used to calculate the conduction

it seemed that this variable is to save the conduction value

According to the paper, the conduction subroutine will be called by the calc_thermo_des subroutine:

However, I coudn’t found it is called. Actually, in the calc_thermo_des.f, only convection and reaction heat are calculated and added to the q_source.


So, where is the des_conduction is called? Or did this mean that MFiX is still incapable to calculate the conduction currently?

The thesis is older and perhaps reflects an early implementation. That said, particle-particle conduction is implemented in MFIX; you found the file containing the function for the main calculations. Have you tried searching the code to see how/where the function is invoked? Given the nature of the calculations it is being called by the subroutine calc_force_dem. If you look through the code further (e.g., the check routines), however, you will also see it is not inherently invoked. So it has to be specified by the user (i.e., seting ks_model, k_s0).

Dear galvinj:
Thanks a lot for your response.
As you recommended, I found the place calculating the conduction between particles in calc_force_dem.f. I noticed that it is actually called by a function instead of a subroutine, so that is probably the reason I cannot find it in the beginning.

Now I have another question: I cannot find where the radiation subroutine is called if the explicit coupling is utilized. It seems some of my friends came across the same question.

Could you help us if you know how the radiation works in the explicit couplling method? Thank you for your kindness!

Best Regards

From what I can tell it does not appear that particle-particle radiation is considered in the implementation of the explicit algorithm.

A quick fix might be to edit the subroutine calc_thermo_des by moving the following line (~line 62)
If(any(calc_radt_des)) call des_radiation
to below the if/else statement (~line 65).

I think this should work but I did not test it.

I tried. This works, thank you!