8. ReferenceΒΆ
- 8.1. GUI Reference
- 8.2. User-Defined Functions
- 8.3. Keywords
- 8.3.1. Run control
- 8.3.2. Physical Parameters
- 8.3.3. Numerical Parameters
- 8.3.4. Geometry and Discretization
- 8.3.5. Two-Fluid Model
- 8.3.6. Discrete Element
- 8.3.7. Gas Phase
- 8.3.8. Solids Phase
- 8.3.9. Initial Condition
- 8.3.10. Boundary Conditions
- 8.3.11. Internal Surface
- 8.3.12. Point Source
- 8.3.13. Output Control
- 8.3.14. UDF Control
- 8.3.15. Chemical Reactions
- 8.3.16. Thermochemical Properties
- 8.3.17. Parallelization Control
- 8.3.18. Batch Queue
- 8.3.19. Cartesian Grid
- 8.4. FAQ
- 8.4.1. How do I ask question, or send feedback?
- 8.4.2. How do I change the look & feel of the GUI?
- 8.4.3. MFiX (VTK) crashes on RHEL/CentOS 7 with the following error message:
- 8.4.4. How do I build the custom solver in parallel?
- 8.4.5. Play/Pause/Reinit
- 8.4.6. Restart a simulation from current time
- 8.4.7. Restart a simulation from the beginning
- 8.4.8. What system of units does MFiX use?
- 8.4.9. What do I do if a run does not converge?
- 8.4.10. How to provide initial particle positions in particle_input.dat file?
- 8.4.11. How to verify/flip STL file facet normals?
- 8.4.12. How to manually specify a grid partition for DMP runs?
- 8.4.13. How to avoid particles going through solid walls in DEM simulations?
- 8.5. PIC Setup advices