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2013 NETL’s Multiphase Flow Workshop

The U.S. Department of Energy - National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is pleased to announce the 2013 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science. This year's workshop will be held on Tuesday, August 6 through Wednesday, August 7, 2013, at Lakeview Golf Resort & Spa, 150 Lakeview Drive, Morgantown WV 26508.

The goal of the Workshop continues to be advancing the use of physics-based multiphase simulations to help overcome the technical barriers associated with the development of highly efficient, environmentally acceptable energy, environmental and industrial technologies and processes. The conference will cover topics in:

  • Fundamental research in gas-solid flows
  • Advancements in CFD model development for multiphase flows
  • Application of multiphase CFD to industrial systems such as fossil fuel extraction and utilization, chemical processes, etc.
  • Novel measurement techniques in gas-solid flows
  • Uncertainty quantification techniques in multiphase flow simulation

You are invited to submit an abstract for a 15 minute presentation, by July 12, 2013, to MFiX Workshop. Final agenda and notification to presenters will follow by July 26, 2013. Due to limited time slots available for presentation, the organizing committee will ask the author(s) to either make a presentation or provide a poster presentation.

There is a Registration Fee of $92.00. This fee will cover continental breakfast and lunch each day and refreshments for morning and afternoon breaks. Please register at the following link:

