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2015 AIChE Particle Technology Forum Student Workshop

Held on November 7th, the 2015 AIChE Particle Technology Forum (PTF) Student Workshop was a big success. As part of the workshop, members of the PTF demonstrated a small scale circulating fluidized bed (CFB) for a group of visiting students. The demo CFB device was provided by NETL Multiphase Flow Science researchers and is geometrically similar to typical large scale CFB units. It allows us to quickly demonstrate various representative flow regimes as well as exhibit the complexity and challenges in operating CFB units. Students at the workshop were able to get hands on with the device and visualize particle flow patterns as they manually changed the operating conditions.

These demos not only help us to engage students entering the field, they provide physical insight into the complex multiphase flows that are frequently encountered in chemical engineering applications. This is valuable to guide the development and application of both physical and numerical models for the design and operation of next generation chemical processing and energy conversion devices.

We're pleased to support these programs and others like it. For more information about Events and Workshops, click here.
