2015 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science – ABSTRACT DATE EXTENDED to June 15, 2015

Please "SAVE THE DATE" for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory's (NETL) 2015 Workshop on Multiphase Flow Science.  Pending approval, this conference will be held Wednesday, August 12 through Thursday, August 13, 2015, at Lakeview Golf Resort & Spa, 150 Lakeview Drive, Morgantown, WV, 26508.

This event will brings together international leaders from industry, academia and government laboratories in the area of multiphase flow science to discuss current research projects and discuss future research and development needs in the area of Multiphase Flow Science including gas-solid, liquid-solid, gas-liquid, and gas-solid-liquid multiphase flow.   Industrial presenters are encouraged to attend and to share their experiences and specific applications in this area.

You are invited to submit an abstract (around 300 words) for a 15 minute presentation, by June 15, 2015 to vog.eod.lten.xifm@pohskrow.  Final agenda and notification to presenters will follow by June 30, 2015 assuming conference approval.  Due to limited time slots available for presentation, the organizing committee will ask the author(s) to either make a presentation or provide a poster presentation.

The conference will cover topics in:

  • Fundamental research in multiphase flows
  • Advancements in CFD model development for multiphase flows
  • Application of multiphase CFD to industrial systems such as gasification, combustion, fossil fuel extraction and utilization, chemical processes, etc.
  • Novel measurement techniques in multiphase flows
  • Uncertainty quantification techniques in multiphase flow simulation

We are also pleased to announce that this year's conference will be held in conjunction with the NETL Advanced Gasification Workshop which is pending approval for Monday, August 10 and Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at Lakeview Golf Resort & Spa, 150 Lakeview Drive, Morgantown, WV, 26508.  Therefore, presentations dealing with multiphase flow aspects of gasification and related processes are greatly encouraged for the Multiphase Science Workshop.

The workshop attendance is by invitation only and seating will be limited. Your official invitation and registration link will be forthcoming. Please set this date aside and register promptly.  If you have any questions or require more information feel free to contact me at 304-285-4272 or vog.eod.lten@sregor.mailliw.




William Rogers, Ph.D., P.E.
Leader, Multiphase Flow Team
Office of Research & Development
U.S. Department of Energy
National Energy Technology Laboratory
Phone:  304-285-4272
Email:  vog.eod.lten@sregor.mailliw
